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Kind Minds Kind Mouths program's plane






1. August 2010 Preparation for the project individually. Meeting with the staff to explain the project. Dissemination of the project to the students and parents and the local community with newsletters and posters with the logo of Comenius Programme. Preparation for teh project. Making individual plans of each school for implementing the project and ist activities in planned dates without interruption and faults. SHOOL PROJECT PLANS:  
2. September 2010 Meeting with the students to explain the tasks and activities of the project. Presenting them a powerpoint showing partner schools pictures, info, etc. Organizing email links between students and classmatching by writing letters, using msn, skype, etc Making students aware of the steps in the project. Introducing them other partner schools.Developing students' communicative skills such as greetings, requirements, offers, etc. as well as foreign languages and ITC - CLASSMATCHING and MAILS EXCHANGE. Meeting in May DK.  
3. November 2010
- Teachers&students exchange in Italy. Getting to know each other,discuss the project activities, distribution of the tasks,agreement on schedules. Reporting of the meeting to the local news, school newsletters. Powerpoint presentations from partners.
- Gathering all materials about the topic(poems, caricatures, songs,)sending them to Hungary that will deliver all info to all schools involved in order to create their own Project Corners. Hungary is also responsible for the project corner on website.
- KICK-OFF MEETING in ITALY:presentation of partner organisation, distributing the duties and responsibilities of the existing project teams, agreements on time schedule for the project, exchanges of experiences and best practices of each partner.
- Developing students' social and communicative competence, positive attitude, manners- PROJECT CORNER, exhibitions in each school.
4. December 2011 Creating website of the project by Turkey. Turkey will be responsible for the administration of the project site, the other schools will send materials(photos, newsletters, etc) for the site. Promoting students' creativity, ICT skills and get contacts with the project topics - WEBSITE.  
5. January 2011 Teacher&student exchange in Turkey. Organizing and carrying out of a joint seminar with teachers of partners and exchanges of experiences and best practices,checking the progress of the project.
MEETING in Portugal: Organizing and carrying out of a joint seminar with teachers of partners and exchanges of experiences and best practices of each partner.
6. February 2011 Project Logo Contest- Austrian School establishes the rules of the contest of logo and the prize and each school presents it to its own students Drawing a logo for the project. Organizing a contest among the students in each school. The winner’s logo will become the logo of the whole project. CONTEST of LOGO
7. Marc 2011
- All partners will gather infos of their own cultural figures and items refering the importance of being nice, tolerant to others. Denmark will pick them and make a common multicultural brochure of cultural figures refering kindness, tolerance, peace.
- Teacher and students exchanges in France. Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Evaluation of the project so far and discussing plans for the following year. Collecting the project materials from each other.
- Increasing students' awareness of good manners, finding cultural figures and items refering the importance of being nice, tolerant to others. COMMON BROCHURE of CULTURAL FIGURES.
- MEETING in FRANCE: Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Evaluation of the project so far and discussing plans for the following year.
8. May 2011
- Each school's students will analyse the articles, stories, fairy tales on being helpful then create a story of the topic in each's own language . Each school puts their chosen stories on the web site.
(put on the website the results)
- Students will work on a drama they created on the topic in English and sharing them on website with video recorded, powerpoints of pictures from the show. They will prepare posters, brochures for their play and invite parents to their show.
- Teachers&students exchange in Denmark. Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Gathering information about the process of the project in each school.Exchange of the project materials(pupils' work, photos of the activities, etc.)
- Individual activities that promote and develop social awareness and ways of fighting lack of good communication- Analysis of articles, stories, fairy tales on being helpful, creating a story telling the topic in each's own language-A STORY (presented in Dk in May).
- Working on how kindness, friendship, politeness, tolerance, etc. can be shown through art, working with students on a drama they created on the topic in English and sharing them with other partners on website-POWERPOINTS, VIDEOS, SONGS,POSTER, PLAY (presented in DK)
- MEETING in DENMARK:Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Gathering information about the process of the project in each partner school.
- Evaluation of the results of the activities done in the project so far by each partner, watching and checking what has been done for a year, improvement of the website by individual activities of the participants-REPORT,NEWSLETTERS
9. August 2011 Evaluation of the results of the activities done in the project so far by each partner individually, Portugal will put newsletters of the project which is general report of each partners newsletter they send to Portugal on project website montly. Starting new semester and get some new pupils to the project, showing the film " PAY IT FORWARD" that deals with our topic in each school to increase the students' interest and consciousness.  
10. October 2011 Questionnaire on the topic will be prepared by Italy. It will be sent to all schools and applied to all students involved in the proect. The results of it will be evaluated by each partners. Every partner will put the general evaluation form on the website Preparation of questionnaire on the topic and analysis of the results in each partner school, exchanging the results, creating a common report as a result of questionnaire. QUESTIONNAIRE  
11. November 2011 Teachers exchange in Austria.Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Gathering information about the process of the project in each partner school. Collecting the project materials from each other. MEETING in AUSTRIA: Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. Watching and checking what has been done so far.
12. December 2011 Each school will gather info about the behaviours, gestures, mimics, expressions, proverbs which refer politeness, kindness and send to Hungary. Hungary will create a multicultural and lingual dictionary and share it with others on website. Creating a common dictionary of gestures, mimics, words, proverbs, etc. expressing kindness, politeness, tolerance in each culture and language. MULTICULTURAL and MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY  
13. January 2012 Contest of composition titled "What we all need is a little kindness to change the World" will be in each school. The prize will be designed by Portugal and the winner will be choosen in each school by students. Literary Awards competition with compositions made by students in their own language the topic of "What we all need is a little kindness to change the World" -CONTEST  
14. February 2012  Teachers exchange in Spain.Exchanges on experiences and best practices f each partner. Gathering information about the process of the project in each partner school. Excgange of the project materials. Review of the previous year of the project. MEETING in SPAIN:Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner during the project, watching and checking what was done previous year.
15. Marc 2012 Second pupils' letters exchange. Students involved in the project write letters and e mails to other pupils in partner school. They will write about the feeling and thoughts about the project they have been going through. Writing and exchanging letters of the students to each other about the changes in their personality and feelings via this project-LETTERS (class letters)  
16. April 2012 Each school will celebrate the project day with the exhibitions of pupils' works, their plays, songs, etc. Parents and local authorities will be invited to this show. Photos and videos of these shows will be put on website. MEETING in The UK: Reinforcing students' group working spirit, creativity and innovation. Celebrating the day of KIND MINDS KIND MOUTHS in each partner school, playing created stories in each partner school - exhibition of the materials of the project-CELEBRATION
17. May 2012 Each school will make a book of project involves the experiments, practices, materials of the project and share it with other parters through internet. Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner during the project through the website, with recorded videos of caried out activities, students' and teachers' working, meetings, etc. and making a book of the project. BOOK of the PROJECT  
18. June 2012
- Teachers&students exchange in The Turkey.Exchanges on experiences and best practices of each partner. End of the project evaluation report will be planned. Project DVD will be prepared by Bulgaria with the materials sent by each partner
- Final evaluation reports will be prepared and result of the project will be disseminated by each partner school. Final reports will be put on the website and website will be closed by Turkey.
- MEETING in The TR: Finalization of the project. Evaluation and reports of the project result, creating a DVD with all the activities carried our in the project-PROJECT DVD
- Finishing of the website and publishing the definitive results and dissemination in each country by flyers, meetings, school-education magazines and press articles, training sessions,etc. FINAL DOCUMENT and REPORTS of the PROJECT
Planes of meetings:
7. Programme for meeting in Scotland, Edinburgh
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